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Permits retrieved from AMANDA with types derived from existing layer(PermitsPlanning30, PermitsPlanning180, PermitsPlanningOpen). Specific Subtypes are categorized into two type: Ministerial and Discretionary. Ministerial permit type includes: Administrative Permit, Certificate of Compliance, and Development Agreement. Discretionary permit type includes: Annexation, GP Diagram Amendment, GP Text Amendment, and Historic Preservation Permit. Permits are not included based on status where they are Cancelled, Denied, Expired, Rejected, Withdrawn, Dropped, or Legacy.<\/SPAN><\/P>


Permit Types included in this layer are :<\/SPAN><\/P>

Development, Zoning, Subdivision. All Other Permits, Over the Counter, Environmental Review, Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program, Zoning Verification Letters, Zonings, Envir Public Projects, Single Family Housing Permit, Tree Removal Permit<\/SPAN><\/P>

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Parcels based on Weed Abatement Commencement Report. <\/SPAN><\/P>


The City of San José works with the Santa Clara County Weed Abatement Program to protect and educate the community. The program is focused on vacant parcels in San José and seeks voluntary compliance. City Code Enforcement staff manage the program while County staff handle inspection of the parcels that have been declared a public nuisance. The County can order abatement work if the established minimum fire safety standards are not met or if the property owner requests that the County contractor perform the work to meet compliance. 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