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In addition, Neighborhood Business Districts may include adjacent non-commercial land uses. Neighborhood Business Districts (NBDs) contain a variety of commercial and noncommercial uses which contribute to neighborhood identity by serving as a focus for neighborhood activity. This designation facilitates the implementation of a NBD Program by identifying target areas. The NBD Program seeks to preserve, enhance, and revitalize San José\u2019s neighborhood-serving commercial areas through the coordination of public and private improvements, such as streetscape beautification, facade upgrading, business organization activities, business development, and promotional events. Consistent with its Implementation and Community Design Policies, the City will schedule, coordinate, and design public improvements in Neighborhood Business Districts so that allocated funding is consistent with the City\u2019s growth strategies. The NBD designation functions as an \u201coverlay\u201d designation which is applied to predominantly commercial land use designations. It is typically applied to two types of commercial areas. The first is older commercial areas where connected buildings create a predominant pattern of a continuous street façade with no, or very small setbacks from the sidewalk. Examples of this include Lincoln Avenue between Coe and Minnesota Avenues, Jackson Street between 4th and 6th Streets, and the segment of Alum Rock Avenue between King Road and Interstate 680. The second commercial area where the NBD overlay is applied typically contains a series of one or more of the following development types: parking lot strips (buildings set back with parking in front), neighborhood centers (one or two anchors plus smaller stores in one complex), or traditional, older commercial areas as described in the first NBD typology.NBDs generally surround Main Street designations on the Transportation Network Diagram. The exceptions are The Alameda and East Santa Clara Street, which are noted as Grand Boulevards. NBDs can extend beyond the parcels immediately adjacent to a Main Street or Grand Boulevard, and they often overlap with Urban Village Boundary Area designations. Within an NBD overlay, residential and commercial uses, together with related parking facilities, are seen to be complementary uses, although commercial uses oriented to occupants of vehicles, such as drive-through service windows, are discouraged along major thoroughfares within NBD areas. In areas with an NBD overlay designation, any new development or redevelopment must conform to the underlying land use designation and applicable Urban Village Plans, Land Use Policies, and Community Design Policies. 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